What are People Googling - Top Ten Search categories

Most families use Google for everything from cooking recipes to DIY home repairs. On a whim we researched just what do most people use Google for and here’s what we found:

1. Weather

People frequently search for current weather conditions and forecasts for specific locations.

2. News

Current events, breaking news, and updates on various topics are common search queries.

3. Sports Scores

Fans often use Google to find the latest scores, schedules, and news related to their favorite sports teams.

4. Celebrities

Searches about celebrities, their latest projects, gossip, and news about the entertainment industry are popular.

5. Health-related Information

People frequently search for health symptoms, medical conditions, and information about treatments.

6. "How-to" Guides

Users often search for tutorials, guides, and instructions on various topics, from cooking recipes to DIY projects.

7. Travel Information

Travel-related searches, including flight information, hotel bookings, and destination details, are common.

8. Entertainment

Searches related to movies, TV shows, music, and video games are consistently popular.

9. Technology and Gadgets

People often search for information about the latest technology, gadgets, software updates, and reviews.

10. Shopping

Searches for products, reviews, and online shopping deals are prevalent as users look for items to purchase.